Cardio A Necessary Evil: Shape Up

March 26, 2015 , In: Free, Katie Girl, People , With: No Comments

As reluctant as you might be about jumping on that stair stepper, it’s the perfect way to loose weight and tighten those glutes (slang for muscles) . Remember, cardio is one of the most important things you can do, whether you want to loose a few pounds, tighten up or get healthy. The key is getting a little more bang for your buck. So, go-ahead and kiss your treadmill story time goodbye. Don’t you want that great body back? Then I suggest you get to sweaten’. Here is this weeks cardio shape up.


Week #3 Workout Outline


  1. Plyometric Jumping Jack 30 seconds on rest 30 seconds – 8 rounds
  2. 25 seconds robust cycling 35 seconds steady x 10
  3. Straight leg thrust 15 – 20 – 4 rounds
  4. Star stepper level 15 -20 minutes
  5. Jump rope 60 seconds rest 30 – 5 rounds
  6. 90 degree crunch 15 – 20 – 4 rounds
  7. Repeat step 1
  8. Cycle leisurely -four minutes

See you in the gym!

Katie Girl

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