
Sunday Fun Day God’s Way

December 7, 2014 , In: Faith , With: No Comments

Let me take you back to my teen years. We attended church Sunday morning, evening and on Wednesday and we went to visitation on Thursday and any social that might be scheduled at the church during the month.  I felt like I lived at church.  I sung in the choir and was a part of the plays and programs. It was our life.

Looking back, my mind’s-eye sees literally hundreds singing, orchestra members playing and for some odd reason, I recall the sounds of the hymnal pages turning.  Now that’s random!  I remember high pitched voices belting beautiful music and  everyone dressed to the 9; including me, with my ankle- length skirt and turtleneck in the dead heat of summer (Mom just making sure we were covered up). LOL Mom!


Well, a lot has changed. I’m now all grown and I realize I was only there no longer than 6 hours a week. And I see better the importance of those experiences of being on stage, singing in the choir and being a part of God’s family.

Sunday Fun Day God’s Way

Things have really changed.  Where families dressed in great style when even I was growing up, I recently noticed a whole group of youth in t-shirts, jeans and t-shirts going into church to perform.  Casual clothes are more the norm now than a person’s finest.   What does this mean? Where is this leading us? These are wonderings to me.
I’m all up for change but I do wonder about it all. I see that reverting to things that worked could so easily begin with me and I’m taking that seriously in my life.
We have a choice right now. Do we want to sit back and do nothing and lust let the church fall to online viewing and social media? Or do we want to attend God’s house with an open heart raising our children in the way of the Lord so that they one day to will tell someone about our Father who is in heaven?
 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28
I challenge you to a life of transformation. To not be a follower but a leader for Christ. We have a choice, in whatever we choose and that therein will become our lives. So let the fun begin!
Let’s choose to attend church, dress to impress and make a difference int he Kingdom of God.  We dress for ourselves and to honor God. “Sunday fun day God’s way” is one way we could phrase it! Mix-and-match your clothing check out Pinterest for ideas. Mark your calendar for special foods to eat or places to dine. Make the Lord’s day a day of fun and celebrate with your family.
Then when our young ones grow up, they too will feel as if they “lived” at the church and in their older age carry on the tradition of serving.
Please visit us on Facebook and Twitter-  What was your teen life like? Post on our Chicks Down South page and tell us. We’d love to hear from you.
Katie Girl

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