Marietta Modl's artwork. Used With Permission.

Introducing the Creative, Gifted and Talented

September 29, 2016 , In: Introducing, Networking , With: No Comments
Introducing the creative, gifted and talented!

Introducing the creative, gifted and talented!

We have begun a new section this month highlighting those who are creative, gifted and talented. If you know anyone that might fit in that category(Yes, you can include yourself) please let us know. We have a desire to  show off the artwork,  creative efforts and great ideas of others.

  1. Marietta Modl

    Marietta Modl

     Marietta Modl is our first artist.   She has a heart for working with the elderly and is an artist living in Washington State.  Please check out her bio and let her know if she can draw any of your animals.

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